Table 2

Women’s understanding of health and ill health in general

Illustrative quotes
DietQ1‘If a person is happy but not eating well, how can she be healthy? Diet is so important.’ (FGD 1, ANC, Pakistan)
Q2‘Good health is good food.’ (Interview 6, PNC, Pakistan)
Q3‘Health means to have a balanced diet.’ (FGD 5, ANC, India)
WeightQ4‘One should be strong and a bit bulky.’ (FGD 1, ANC, India)
Q5‘Healthy women are those who are slim and have strength.’ (Interview 3, PNC, Pakistan)
EnergyQ6‘Good health is when there is no disease.’ (FGD 3, ANC, Pakistan)
Q7‘Women should have the energy to do the chores, that means they are healthy.’ (FGD 4, ANC, Pakistan)
Mental healthQ8‘Being healthy means having no stress or worries and having a tension-free life.’ (FGD 5, ANC, India)
Q9‘There is health of the mind and other body parts. If one body part is missing or is not healthy, one cannot be considered healthy. Similarly, if one is not mentally healthy, one is not able to do anything.’ (FGD 1, ANC, Pakistan)
Q10‘Good health means being mentally, socially, emotionally and physically fit.’ (FGD 2, ANC, India)
Social healthQ11‘If there is peace in the home and in the mind, then it is good health.’ (Interview 3, PNC, Pakistan)
Q12‘If there are fights in the home, this effects a woman’s health negatively.’ (Interview 8, PNC, Pakistan)
Q13‘The surrounding environment and family atmosphere directly affects [physical] health.’ (FGD 4, PNC, India)
Ill health
Illustrative quotes
Physical symptomsQ14‘Ill-health means presence of disease.’ (FGD 4, ANC, India)
Q15‘Those who are not healthy, their face shows it; they have yellowish complexion and have dark circles around the eyes.’ (FGD 1, ANC, Pakistan)
Q16‘Ill-health is like flu, fever and sore throats.’ (Interview 5, PNC, Pakistan)
Q17‘Poor health means having pain, discomfort, fever and body ache.’ (Interview 4, PNC, Pakistan)
Q18‘Disease is for example HIV/AIDS, weak bones, weakness.’ (Interview 5, PNC, Pakistan)
Mental ill healthQ19‘Ill-health is about tension; even if there is a very low level of stress or tension it does great damage to a person.’ (Interview 2, PNC, Pakistan)
Q20‘Mental health affects physical health. If one is mentally disturbed, won’t be able to do anything, even if you are physically fit, you will feel weak.’ (Interview 9, PNC, Pakistan)
  • ANC, antenatal care; FGD, focus group discussions; PNC, postnatal care.