Table 1

Reporting of congenital syphilis indicators on testing and treatment by lower income countries, by participation in the WHO-CDC Syphilis Serology Proficiency Programme (SSPP), 2008–2015

Congenital syphilis indicator reporting onTotal number of reporting countries during 2008–2015 (n=87)*Reporting countries participating† in the SSPP (n=21)Reporting countries not in SSPP
P value
n (%) or mediann (%) or mediann (%) or median
Antenatal syphilis testing coverage (median number of years)
Treatment coverage (median number of years)
Reported >25% increase in testing coverage 2008–201524 (28)5 (24)19 (29)0.67
Reported >25% increase in treatment coverage 2008–20154 (5)2 (10)2 (3)0.25
  • *Ten lower income countries did not report any CS indicators to WHO.

  • †Participation in SSPP is defined as a country with at least one laboratory participating in at least one programme cycle during 2008 through 2015.

  • CS, congenital syphilis.