Table 1

Schedule of trial outcomes and measures

OutcomeMeasureTiming (months)
Participant recruitment to the trial.Recruitment against planned recruitment rates.×
Participant willingness to be randomised.Number of people showing an interest and not proceeding or those who withdraw from the control group and give a reason.×
Feasibility of collection of clinical measurement data for the proposed clinical trial.Retrieval of measurements of HbA1c, systolic blood pressure and cholesterol for trial participants from medical record.××
Willingness of participants to be followed up over the 26-week period postrandomisation.Retention and follow-up rates.×
Feasibility of collection of prescribing data on trial participants.Proportion of medication possession ratio for glucose, blood pressure and lipid-lowering medication obtainable from prescribing data in participant’s medical record.×
Feasibility of collecting self-reported questionnaire measures.Proportion of completed self-reported measures (Demographics and Additional Information Questionnaire; MARS Self-Report Scale; EQ-5D-5L Health Status Questionnaire; Healthcare Utilisation Record Questionnaire (cost measurement); and Health Psychology and Technology Acceptance Questionnaire.××
Feasibility of collecting medical history and baseline medication from medical record.Proportion of data obtained.×
Feasibility and acceptability of the intervention for patients and healthcare professionals (including general practitioners, nurses, receptionists and pharmacists). Qualitative process evaluation.Data obtained through focus groups, qualitative interviews with patients and healthcare staff.××
Assess reliability of measures of hypothesised mechanism of action and sensitivity to change in response to receipt of SMS messages. Examine relationship between these measures and self-reported adherence, as preliminary process analysis. (Quantitative process evaluation).Change in quantitative mechanism of action measures and relationship between changes in these measures and self-reported adherence.××
Changes in clinical measurement data.HbA1c, systolic blood pressure and cholesterol for trial participants from medical record.×××
Information on message delivery and interaction with participants.Automated reports from messaging service on messages delivered and interactive messaging.××
  • EQ-5D-5L, EuroQol 5-Dimension, 5-Level; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; MARS, Medication Adherence Report Scale.