Table 2

Factors that could affect the impact of the podcast

InterventionAmount of podcast that was heard (fidelity)The extent to which the listener listened to all of the podcast.
Value of the contentThe extent to which the podcast is valued by the listeners.
Quality of the podcast
Clarity of the podcastThe extent to which the language and key messages are clear and understandable.
LengthThe extent to which the length of each episode and the number of episodes is adequate or too long.
Organisation of the podcastThe extent to which the podcast is well organised, including the structure of each episode and the organisation of episodes.
Listening patternSuitability of the frequency and spacing of the episodes.
Delivery of the podcastThe extent to which the type of media used (podcasts delivered by a research assistant) facilitated or hindered listening to the podcasts and reflecting on them.
Appropriateness of the podcastThe extent to which podcast is appropriate for the target audience (parents), relevant to them and engages them (including the examples that are used and the stories).
Credibility of the podcastThe extent to which the listeners perceive the podcast as credible.
EffortThe amount of effort required to listen and learn the key messages.
EntertainmentThe extent to which the podcast is interesting (does not bore the listeners), is well produced with good sound and presents content in a way that appeals to the listeners.
Target audienceEducationThe extent to which the listener has sufficient background knowledge to understand the key messages.
AttitudesListener’s attitudes towards learning, towards authorities, towards science or towards critical thinking.
Listeners expectationsThe extent to which what listeners are expecting (eg, expecting to be told what to do) affects their ability to understand the key messages.
BeliefsListener’s beliefs about the content (eg, what treatments work or the concepts) or beliefs that are in conflict with the content.
Motivation to listen and learnListener’s motivation to listen and learn.
Preferences or experiences* Listener’s preferences for or experiences with healthcare generally or specific types of healthcare and information about treatments that influences the listener’s interest, attitudes or beliefs.
Self-efficacy* The extent to which the listener feels competent and confident about being able to learn and use the messages.
Access to healthcare and information about treatments* Availability or unavailability of healthcare generally or specific types of healthcare and information about treatments that influences the listener’s interest, attitudes or beliefs.
EnvironmentChild’s school environmentThe extent to which their children’s school influenced their attitudes towards the podcast.
Listening environment and technologyThe extent to which there were distractions, good acoustics, other listeners that helped or hindered listening and the technology used to play the podcasts functioned appropriately.
Competing messagesThe extent to which other messages in the media are in conflict with or reinforce the messages and examples used to illustrate the messages.
Time constraintsThe extent to which there is sufficient time to listen to the podcast.
Access to the podcastThe extent to which the research assistants delivering the podcasts in the trial facilitated or hindered listening to the podcasts and reflecting on them.
Listening patternThe extent to which the frequency of visits and the number of episodes listened to each visit facilitated or hindered listening to the podcasts and reflecting on them.
Competing prioritiesThe extent to which other priorities limit listening to the podcast and reflecting on the key messages.
Attitudes and beliefs of othersAttitudes or beliefs of family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, authorities or others that influence the listener’s interest in the key messages.
Political environmentElements of the political environment that affect listening to the podcast and learning the key messages; for example, the extent to which the political environment discourages or encourages questioning of information and ideas.