Table 4

Proportion of patients with low perceptions of COC in relation to individual factors (N=501)

Age (years)Educational levelMorbidity
18–6465–79>80P valueLowHighP valueChronic diseaseAcute illnessP value
Informational continuityI believe that the professionals attending to me know my medical history.36.726.717.70.00125.340.5<000135.724.60.010
After being to the ED, my PCP discusses the visit with me.23.116.916.8NS17.726.70.03024.8160.022
My PCP is aware of the instructions given to me by the EP (…)28.624.512.80.01322.827.5NS26.322.3NS
The EP is aware of the instructions given to me by my PCP (…)33.923.321.10.02125.635.10.04532.225.2NS
Overall informational continuity, median (P25–P75)12 (10–14)13 (11–15)14 (12–15)<0.00113 (11–15)12 (9–14)0.00212 (10–14)13 (11–15)0.001
Care coherenceMy PCP agrees with the instructions of the EP.9.48.500.0165.510.4NS10.43.90.013
The EP agrees with the instruction given to me by my PCP.
The EP repeats the tests which my PCP has already done: (…)66.958500.01158.666.0NS64.357.9NS
Overall management continuity: care coherence, median (P25–P75)21 (19–23)22 (20–24)23 (21–25)<0.00122 (20–24)21 (19–23)0,00721 (19–23)22 (20–24)0.032
AccessibilityMy PCP informs the EP of my arrival to the ED if necessary.49.43835.20.02642.145.8NS49.836.70.008
Overall management continuity: accessibility between levels, median (P25–P75)12 (11–14)13 (11–14)13 (11–14)NS13 (11–14)12 (11–13)NS12 (11–13)13 (11–14)NS
  • Embedded Imageindicates proportions that are significantly lower; Embedded Image indicates proportions that are significantly higher; (…) means question continued.

  • COC, continuity of care; ED, emergency department; EP, emergency physician; NS, not significant; PCP, primary care physician.