Table 1

Study characteristics of included preclinical studies of T-VEC

Preclinical studyTreatmentTotal number of animals usedType of cancer/modelEfficacy measures*Risk of bias (/9)
Liu et al 20 T-VEC; HSV1 wild type immunisation90Lymphoma (A20 murine lymphoma mouse model)CR: 100% (n=10) (injected)9
Piasecki et al 21 T-VECNRLymphoma (A20 murine lymphoma mouse model)CR: 70%–100% of injected, 50%–60% of contralateral9
Piasecki et al 23 T-VEC +Anti-PD-1NRColorectal (MC-38 colon carcinoma mouse model)CR: 80.0% (44.2%–96.5%) (injected) n=10
CR: 20.0% (3.5%–55.8%) (contralateral) n=10
Cooke et al 22 T-VEC40Lymphoma (A20 murine lymphoma mouse model)CR: 100% (65.5%–100%) (injected) n=10
CR: 50% (23.7%–76.3%) (contralateral)
Cooke et al 24 T-VEC20Melanoma (B16F10 melanoma model)NR: statistically significant tumour reduction and survival noted9
  • * DR – durable response; OR – objective response; CR – complete response/complete regression; PR – partial response;DR/OR/CR/PR definitions were based on RECIST guidelines for clinical studies. † Total number of domains that were assessed a score of high risk or unclear (maximum = 9).

  • CR, complete response; HSV, Herpes Simplex Virus; NR, Not reported; PR, partial response; T-VEC, talimogene laherparepvec.