Table 2

Relationship of multimorbidity with demographic variables

VariableCategoryMultimorbidityP value
No n=11 307 (91.7%)Yes n=1031 (8.4%)
Age (mean, SD)51.1 (12.8)58.6 (13.0)<0.001*
Male50.5 (13.6)61.1 (13.1)<0.001*
Female51.7 (12.0)56.5 (11.8)<0.001*
Age (n, %)35–403424 (97.2)100 (2.8)<0.001*
41–502842 (92.3)237 (7.7)
51–602728 (90.6)288 (9.6)
>602313 (85.1)406 (14.9)
Sex (n, %)Male5531 (92.3)464 (7.7)0.021*
Female5776 (91.1)567 (8.1)
Marital status (n, %)Married9385 (92.2)789 (7.8)<0.001*
Unmarried68 (93.6)5 (6.9)
Currently single1854 (88.7)237 (11.3)
Wealth quintile (n, %)Poorest2354 (95.3)115 (4.7)<0.001*
Second2358 (94.3)141 (5.6)
Middle2346 (93.1)175 (6.9)
Fourth2209 (90.1)244 (9.1)
Richest2040 (85.1)356 (14.9)
Educational status (n, %)No education6992 (92.8)541 (7.2)<0.001*
Primary education2397 (91.0)237 (9.0)
Secondary and higher1918 (88.3)253 (11.7)
BMI (mean, SD)21.67 (3.6)23.49 (4.3)<0.001*
BMI (n, %)18.5–25 kg/m2 7137 (92.9)548 (7.1)<0.001*
<18.5 kg/m2 2083 (94.1)110 (5.0)
≥25 kg/m2 1863 (84.1)350 (15.8)
Unhealthy lifestyle habit (tobacco, smokeless tobacco, extra salt intake) (n, %)Yes10 653 (91.9)936 (8.1)<0.001*
No654 (87.3)95 (12.7)
Average days of fish/meat intake (weekly)Less than 4 times per week (n, %)2979 (93.1)191 (6.0)<0.001*
4 or more times per week (n, %)8328 (90.8)840 (9.2)
Average days of fruit intake (weekly)Less than 4 times per week (n, %)10 536 (92.2)892 (7.8)<0.001*
4 or more times per week (n, %)771 (84.7)139 (15.3)
Physical activityNot active (<1 hour)3154 (90.9)316 (9.1)<0.001*
Less active (1 to less than 3 hours)7919 (91.8)709 (8.2)
Moderately to highly active (≥3 hours)234 (97.5)6 (2.5)
Sleeping time in last 24 hours<8 hours3178 (90.3)340 (9.7)<0.001*
≥8 hours8129 (92.2)691 (7.8)
  • 2 test significant p value ≤0.05.

  • BMI, body mass index.