Table 2

Intrareliability and inter-reliability (n=4) using 134 healthcare compensation claim letters from the DPCA

HCAT problem categoriesIntrareliabilityInter-reliability
AgreementGwet’s AC95% CIAgreementGwet’s AC95% CI
Clinical problems0.950.940.89 to 0.990.900.880.84 to 0.93
 Quality0.730.550.40 to 0.700.740.640.56 to 0.73
 Safety0.840.760.65 to 0.870.750.610.51 to 0.70
Management problems0.940.930.88 to 0.980.780.680.60 to 0.77
 Environment0.990.990.98 to 1.000.930.930.89 to 0.96
 Institutional processes0.940.930.88 to 0.980.800.720.64 to 0.81
Relationship problems0.930.910.84 to 0.970.800.710.62 to 0.80
 Listening0.950.940.89 to 0.990.860.810.75 to 0.88
 Communication0.980.980.95 to 1.000.930.920.87 to 0.96
 Respect and patients’ rights0.970.970.94 to 1.000.970.970.94 to 0.99
Stage of care
 Admissions0.970.970.94 to 1.000.940.930.90 to 0.97
 Examination and diagnosis0.830.700.58 to 0.820.800.680.59 to 0.77
 Care on ward0.990.990.98 to 1.000.940.930.89 to 0.97
 Operation or procedure0.780.620.48 to 0.760.740.550.45 to 0.66
 Discharge/transfers0.990.980.96 to 1.000.890.880.83 to 0.93
 Other stage0.960.960.92 to 1.000.880.860.81 to 0.92
 Family member0.980.970.94 to 1.000.950.940.90 to 0.98
 Patient0.900.850.77 to 0.940.850.770.70 to 0.85
 Complainant unspecified0.920.900.84 to 0.960.840.800.74 to 0.87
Patient gender
 Female0.960.930.86 to 0.990.940.870.81 to 0.93
 Male0.960.910.84 to 0.980.930.850.79 to 0.92
 Gender unspecified0.960.960.92 to 1.000.940.930.90 to 0.97
Complained about
 Administrative staff0.960.960.92 to 1.000.990.990.98 to 1.00
 Medical staff0.880.810.71 to 0.900.790.650.56 to 0.75
 Nursing staff0.990.990.98 to 1.000.970.960.94 to 0.99
 Staff unspecified0.880.800.70 to 0.900.800.660.57 to 0.76
Harm level*0.400.01 to 0.580.190.09 ot 0.29
  • *Intraclass correlations coefficient.

  • DPCA, Danish Patient Compensation Association; HCAT, Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool.