Table 3

Case severity: domain and problem intra-assessor and interassessor reliability (n=4) using 134 healthcare claim letters

HCAT problem categoriesIntrareliabilityInter-reliability
AgreementGwet’s AC195% CIAgreementGwet’s AC95% CI
Clinical problems0.940.860.80 to 0.920.870.750.68 to 0.82
 Quality0.780.380.21 to 0.550.740.480.37 to 0.59
 Safety0.920.830.77 to 0.900.860.710.63 to 0.78
Management problems0.990.990.99 to 1.000.980.970.96 to 0.98
 Environment1.001.001.00 to 1.000.960.960.93 to 0.98
 Institutional processes0.960.960.93 to 0.990.870.820.77 to 0.88
Relationship problems0.990.990.98 to 1.000.980.970.96 to 0.98
 Listening0.970.970.95 to 0.990.920.890.85 to 0.93
 Communication0.990.990.98 to 1.000.970.960.94 to 0.98
 Respect and patients’ rights1.001.000.99 to 1.000.990.990.98 to 1.00
  • HCAT, Healthcare Complaints Analysis Tool.