Table 2

Data from the crossover design analysis

CategorySequence 1Sequence 2
Time to ventilation (primary outcome)
 Period 1217173.5
 Period 2196.5217.5
HL estimate22
P value0.028
Time to decision (secondary outcome)
 Period 1134.5120
 Period 2130.5159
HL estimate9
P value0.273
Time to start cricothyrotomy (secondary outcome)
 Period 1162.5141.5
 Period 2150.5183.5
HL estimate14
P value0.076
Time of performance (time to ventilation–time to start) (secondary outcome)
 Period 14335.5
 Period 261.533.5
HL estimate4
P value0.213
  • Further details of the results are displayed in the extended version of table 2 in online supplementary file 4.

  • The HL estimate for the median time difference (in seconds) between CPR and no-CRP with the 95% CI is provided with the corresponding p value of the Mann-Whitney U test.

  • The times are displayed as medians in seconds.

  • Periods 1 and 2 define the periods of the scenarios for each participant: CPR then no-CPR and vice versa.

  • Sequence 1 is as follows: period 1, CPR; period 2, no-CPR. Sequence 2 is as follows: period 1, no-CPR; period 2, CPR.

  • CRP, cardiopulmonary resuscitation; HL, Hodges-Lehmann.