Table 1

Tonus, Reactivity, Awareness and Conditions of intubation to Help in Endotracheal intubation Assessment score

Tonus (muscles of extremities)Reactivity and awareness
(during final positioning and intubation)
Conditions of intubation
(vocal cords view and tube insertion)
  1. Totally hypotonic

  2. Slightly hypotonic

  3. Normal tonus

  4. Hypertonic

  1. Deeply asleep not awaken by physical stimuli

  2. Asleep but reacts slightly to physical stimuli

  3. Asleep or sleepy but wakens up easily to physical stimulus

  4. Spontaneously awake

  5. Agitated, anxious, combative (defence or fighting movements)

  1. Relaxed jaw AND abducted vocal cords AND no thoracic movements during tube insertion

  2. Relaxed jaw AND abducted vocal cords AND slight thoracic movements during tube insertion

  3. Moderate jaw resistance but opening is possible AND/OR vocal cords moving AND/OR slight or moderate coughing (or efforts to cough) during tube insertion

  4. Contracted jaw (jaw opening is difficult or impossible) OR closed vocal cords OR intense coughing (or efforts to cough) OR blocking of the tube in the larynx