Table 1

Sample characteristics

Sample characteristicsN (%)
Research experience
 PhD student43 (80)
 Post-doctoral student11 (20)
Affiliation regarding the current paper
 First author50 (93)
 Coauthor4 (7)
Study design
 Systematic review10 (19)
 Randomised controlled study11 (20)
 Observational study (cross-sectional, cohort, case-control)33 (61)
Previous reporting guidelines use*
 No, it will be my first time to use reporting guidelines27 (50)
 Yes, to write or co-write a paper13 (22)
 Yes, to write this paper11 (17)
 Yes, to review a paper2 (2)
Frequency of reporting guidelines use
 Never19 (35)
 Rarely12 (22)
 Sometimes9 (17)
 Usually12 (22)
 Every time2 (4)
Motivation of guideline use*†
 Self-motivation or motivation from colleagues or coauthors12 (22)
 Journal suggestions to use checklists within the writing process1 (2)
 Journal requirements to fill the checklist at the end5 (9)
Subjective knowledge
How do you rank your knowledge with respect to the content of the reporting guideline?‡
 Very knowledgeable3 (6)
 Somewhat knowledgeable17 (31)
 Neither knowledgeable nor unknowledgeable8 (15)
 Somewhat unknowledgeable10 (19)
 Very unknowledgeable15 (28)
How do you rank your knowledge with respect to the utilisation of the reporting guideline?
 Very knowledgeable2 (4)
 Somewhat knowledgeable17 (31)
 Neither knowledgeable nor unknowledgeable9 (17)
 Somewhat knowledgeable11 (20)
 Very unknowledgeable15 (28)
Objective Knowledge
 Answer the following statement with true or false (frequency of the correct answer)
 The checklist should be used to evaluate the quality of papers* ( FALSE)9 (17)
 The reporting checklists must be completely filled, or my paper will be rejected† ( FALSE)37 (69)
 It is acceptable to report that some items on the checklist are not applicable to my study* ( TRUE)49 (91)
 Reporting on items that are not carried out will add more clarity to my paper and will not lead to rejection* ( TRUE)36 (69)
 The checklists aim to make reporting more clear, complete and transparent*(TRUE)51 (94)
 The checklist aim to improve communication between coauthor* ( FALSE)34 (63)
  • *Indicate a multiple-response question.

  • †n = 27

  • ‡n=53