Table 5

Top five ranked medication safety problems by stakeholder group

RankPharmacy usersProfessionalsCommunity pharmacists
1Pharmacies lacking facilities to provide different services such as counselling and compounding medication.Pharmacies lacking facilities to provide different services such as counselling and compounding medication.The lack of drug information software resources that help pharmacists retrieve information quickly.
2Lack of community pharmacists adhering to regulations.Look-alike medication or sound-alike medication, which are medicine brand names that look or sound the same as other medicine brand names when written or spoken.Pharmacists’ long working hours.
3The lack of communication between the pharmacist and the prescribing physician.Patients using multiple medications.Patients not providing full information about their health condition.
4The lack of a patient database in community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia.The lack of a patient database in community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia.The lack of a patient database in community pharmacies in Saudi Arabia.
5The lack of post-registration education for pharmacists.The lack of knowledge of community pharmacists.Commercial pressure from pharmaceutical companies on prescribing physicians.