Table 1

Study questionnaires

ConstructMeasure and descriptionInformant
Child/youth mental healthOntario Child Health Study Emotional Behavioural Scales55 56
52-item symptom checklist providing total, internalising and externalising scores, as well as subscale scores for major depressive disorder, separation anxiety, social phobia, generalised anxiety, attention-deficit hyperactivity, oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder
Child/youth and parent
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire87
25-item checklist providing total difficulties scores, as well as domains of emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, peer problems and prosocial
Child/youth psychosocial healthKIDSCREEN88
27-item scale of health-related quality of life with domain scores for physical well-being, psychological well-being, autonomy and parent relations, peers and social support and school environment
Child/youth and parent
Self Description Questionnaire89 90
Five items from the General Self-image subscale; adapted from the National Longitudinal Survey of Children and Youth
Child/youth and parent
Self-Perception Profile for Children91 92
36-item scale assessing self-concept in the domains of scholastic competence, social acceptance, athletic competence, physical appearance, behavioural conduct and global self-worth
Child/youth physical healthWHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.093 94
12-item measure of disability and functioning in the domains of cognition, mobility, self-care, getting along, life activities and participation
Child/youth and parent
Child/youth intelligenceKaufman Brief Intelligence Test, second edition95
Brief measure of verbal and non-verbal intelligence
Parent mental healthCenter for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale96
20-item measure of depressive symptoms across four domains depressed affect, positive affect, somatic activity and interpersonal relations
Generalized Anxiety Disorder97
Seven items measuring symptoms of generalised anxiety
Parent quality of lifeShort Form-3698
36-item scale that assesses eight health domains: physical functioning, bodily pain, role limitations due to physical health problems, role limitations due to personal or emotional problems, emotional well-being, social functioning, energy/fatigue and general health perceptions, and a single item that provides an indication of perceived change in health
Family environmentMcMaster Family Assessment Device99 100
12 items comprising the General Functioning subscale measures aspects of communication, problem solving, behavioural control, affective responsiveness and involvement and roles
Parental Stress Scale101 102
18-item scale that includes four domains of parenting: rewards, stressors, loss of control and satisfaction
Sibling Inventory of Differential Experience103
18-item scale assessing differential treatment by mother and father in relation to closest-aged sibling
School environment and peers2014 Ontario Child Health Study (OCHS)104
14 items assessing school climate, bullying and participation in extra-curricular activities
Mental healthcareVarious items obtained from the OCHS and Canadian Community Health SurveyParent
SociodemographicsVarious items obtained from population-based surveys conducted by Statistics CanadaParent
  • Only youth ≥10 provided self-reported data.