Table 3

Sociodemographic and sexual behaviour/attitudinal characteristics of British women by sexual (in)activity type (numbers are shown in per cent)

Sexually activeSexually inactive
Sexually inexperiencedIn a relationshipSingle
Age group
 16–24 years15.882.7[[0.6]][3.8]
 25–34 years21.8[10.2][[1.8]]7.1
 35–44 years22.5[[0.9]][[4.1]]10.9
 45–54 years20.5[[1.3]][12.8]17.7
 55–64 years12.9[[3.0]]38.628.5
 65–74 years6.5[[2.0]]42.132.1
 Other religion5.827.6[[3.9]][5.4]
 White British/White89.061.794.987.8
 No academic qualification16.8[[5.8]]40.635.8
 Academic qualifications typically gained at age 16 y36.2[[8.1]]28.934.5
 Studying for/attained further academic qualification47.086.030.529.6
National Statistics Socio-Economic Classification
 Managerial & professional occupations33.5[7.9]23.823.7
 Intermediate occupations20.8[[4.0]]17.718.1
 Semiroutine/routine occupations27.2[10.0]22.028.0
 Never worked and long-term unemployed11.3[10.0]36.027.6
 Student in full-time education7.368.1[[0.5]][2.6]
Quintile of Index of Multiple Deprivation
 1 (least deprived)20.915.323.913.7
 5 (most deprived)18.722.817.423.9
Body mass index (kg/m2)
 <25 (underweight or normal weight)
 25 to <30 (overweight)28.0[13.8]35.730.0
 30 or higher (obese)18.1[12.1]29.130.5
 Below average (<164 cm)51.356.763.962.4
 Average or above (≥164 cm)48.843.336.137.6
Have felt sexual attraction
Sexual identity
Masturbated in past 7 days
Lifetime sexual partners
 2 to 430.2031.836.3
 5 or more49.1026.138.9
Ever paid for sex
 Unweighted, n66584414311048
 Weighted, n5764268558820
  • [ ] Small numerator (between 30 and 50 participants).

  • [[ ]] Small numerator (<30 participants).

  • *Not defined when asked in interview.

  • †All participants (denominators vary across variables because of item non-response).