Table 4

Expectations, advice and antibiotic prescriptions reported by respondents who accessed primary care for their own or their child’s respiratory (cough, throat, ear, sinus, chest infection) or influenza symptoms or a cold/runny nose in the past 12 months

Respiratory or influenza symptomsCold/runny nose
What did you EXPECT from your contact/visit for this most recent illness? Self Child Self Child
To be prescribed antibiotics38% (93)27% (39)29% (18)13% (6)
To be prescribed treatment for symptoms34% (85)33% (46)25% (15)22% (10)
Advice about whether antibiotics were needed19% (47)23% (32)24% (14)21% (11)
Antibiotics were prescribed57% (136)41% (57)31% (20)33% (17)
Treatment to relieve/reduce symptoms was prescribed30% (72)24% (36)26% (16)16% (9)
Advice was given about whether antibiotics were needed15% (36)25% (35)16% (11)12% (5)
  • *Respondents with respiratory (cough, throat, ear, sinus, chest infection) or influenza symptoms in the past 12 months (n=936) who visited or contacted a doctor’s surgery or visited a NHS Walk-In Centre or GP out-of-hours service for these symptoms (n=242).

  • †Respondents with a child under 5 (n=777) who had respiratory (cough, throat, ear, chest infection) or influenza symptoms in the past 12 months (n=265) who visited or contacted a doctor’s surgery or visited a NHS Walk-In Centre or GP out-of-hours service because of the child’s symptoms (n=141).

  • ‡Respondents with a cold or a runny nose in the past 12 months (n=853) who visited or contacted a doctor’s surgery or visited a NHS Walk-In Centre or GP out-of-hours service for their illness (n=63).

  • §Respondents with a child under 5 (n=777) who had a cold or a runny nose in the past 12 months (n=262) who visited or contacted a doctor’s surgery or visited a NHS Walk-In Centre or GP out-of-hours service because of the child’s illness (n=53).

  • NHS, National Health Service.