Table 5

School personnel’s views on training challenges and recommendation on improving future PAX training

ChallengePossible improvement/changeKey informant statement
Trainings held in school gym makes it hard for participants to hear the trainers properly
  • Trainings can be held in classrooms

Maybe a smaller environment ‘cause we had it in the gym hey, ‘cause it was big. And it’s better if you had it in a big classroom or something. (S1-I5)
Middle years teachers felt some of the training were meant for early years classrooms
  • Separate, tailored training for teachers of early and middle years teachers

I think that it would be good if they had two separate trainings, one for the early years and one for the middle years. Just because I found that the training that they had here, it was more directed towards the, the younger grades. (S1-I6)
Pace is too fast when there was only one whole school training
  • Slow down the pace, and break down the training to several sessions

  • Provide webinars to allow staff to learn on their own time

  • Opportunity to observe seasoned teachers in their classrooms

I would probably need more training. That one training just wasn’t sufficient. So that might help and I think I’d really want to see a good PAX class. Just go and observe a PAX class. (S2-I5)