Table 1

Search terms

ConceptNew search—MeSHNew search—keywordsNew search—CINAHL
Mothers and childrenchild, preschool/ or exp infant/ or child health/ or infant health/ or infant welfare/)
(mothers/ or women/ or pregnant women/ or reproductive health/ or exp women's health/ or maternal health/ or exp Maternal Health Services/ or maternal welfare/)
(mother* or mum* or mom* or women* or woman*) adj2 (group* or class* or circle* or club* or committee or facilitat* or meeting* or program*)
(antenatal or bub* or baby or babies or prenatal or maternal or playgroup* or play or birth* or child* or infant* or neonat* or newborn* or pregnan* or postnatal)
(antenatal or bub* or baby or babies or prenatal or maternal or playgroup* or play or birth* or child* or infant* or neonat* or newborn* or pregnan* or postnatal) adj2 (group* or class* or circle* or club* or committee or facilitat* or meeting* or program*)
(mother* or mum* or mom* or women* or woman*)
(((MH ‘Women’) OR (MH ‘maternal welfare’) OR (MH ‘Mothers+’) OR (MH ‘Reproductive Health’) OR (MH ‘Women's Health’))
((MH ‘Child’) OR (MH ‘Child welfare’) OR (MH ‘Child, Preschool’) OR (MH ‘Infant’) OR (MH ‘Child Health’) OR (MH ‘Child Health Services’)))
(MH ‘Maternal-Child Health’) OR (MH ‘Maternal-Child Welfare’)
Participatory women’s groupscommunity health services/ or community networks/ or community participation/ or Stakeholder Participation/ or exp Peer Group/ or Self-Help Groups/ or Group processes/ or group structure/ AND
 (stakeholder* or community or network* or peer* or self-help)
 (participat* or empower* or engag* or involv*)
(MH ‘Support Groups’) OR (MH ‘Group Processes’) OR (MH ‘Peer Group’) OR (MH ‘Community Networks’) OR (MH ‘Community Health Services’) OR (MH ‘Community Role’) OR (MH ‘Consumer Participation’) OR (MH ‘Stakeholder Participation’)
  • CINAHL, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature; MH, maternal health; MeSH, Medical Subject Headings.