Table 2

Prevalence of contraceptive use among women aged 15–19 years in Mwanza, Tanzania by marital status*

CharacteristicMarried, N=201†Unmarried, N=744†P value
Any method20.4 (13.9–28.9)50.7 (47.7–53.6)<0.0001
Any modern method‡19.4 (13.4–27.3)48.7 (45.8–51.5)<0.0001
Any traditional method1.0 (0.22–4.4)2.0 (1.3–3.0)
Not currently using79.6 (71.2–86.1)49.3 (46.4–52.3)
Modern method
Implant38.5 (21.4–58.9)4.4 (2.4–7.9)<0.0001
IUCD7.7 (2.5–21.5)0.28 (0.03–2.3)
Injectables23.1 (10.8–42.7)5.8 (3.8–8.7)
Contraceptive pill/oral contraceptives2.6 (0.31–18.0)0.55 (0.13–2.4)
Emergency pill00.55 (0.12–2.4)
Male condom7.7 (2.4–22.2)71.6 (66.9–75.8)
Standard days method15.4 (5.2–37.6)15.8 (12.1–20.3)
Other modern method5.1 (1.4–16.6)1.1 (0.37–3.2)
  • *Figures are % (95% CI) taking into account sampling weights to account for the sampling design.

  • †Unmarried girls who report sexually activity in last 12 months; all married girls in Ilemela district.

  • ‡Modern methods include female sterilisation, male sterilisation, contraceptive pill (oral contraceptives), IUCD, injectables (Depo-Provera), implants (Norplant), female condom, male condom, diaphragm, contraceptive foam and contraceptive jelly, LAM, SDM, cycle beads.

  • IUCD, intrauterine contraceptive devices; LAM, lactational amenorrhoea method; SDM, standard days method.