Table 4

Incremental cost-effectiveness analyses (CEAs) of the two smoking cessation treatments, HIT and LIT, for 6-month continuous abstinence at 1 year (CEA short term), sustained abstinence at 5–8 years of follow-up (CEA long term), and sensitivity analyses for CEA long term. Societal perspective, in Euro 2018

Intervention costsCEA* shortCEA* longCEA* long, sensitivityCEA* long, population level, per person
HIT†117 011117 011117 011801801
LIT‡27 92727 92727 927189189
Difference in intervention costs89 08589 08589 085612612
Difference in societal costs avoided82 25367 46632 469779502
Incremental costs683221 61956 616−167110
Incremental QALYs§7.445.714.820.06640.0462
Incremental cost per QALY§ (ICER¶)918378611 746<02391
  • *Cost-effectiveness analysis.

  • †High-intensity smoking cessation treatment, the HIT programme.

  • ‡Low-intensity smoking cessation treatment, the LIT programme.

  • §Quality-adjusted life-years.

  • ¶Incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) is calculated as incremental costs divided by incremental quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs).