Table 1

Participant demographic, clinical and biochemical characteristics at baseline

CharacteristicsTotal (n=106)Men (n=34; 32%)Women (n=72; 68%)
Age, mean (SD)78.8 (7.0)77.9 (6.6)79.3 (7.2)
BMI (kg/m2), n=101
  BMI, median (IQR)26.0 (23.1, 30.7)26.9 (24.7, 30.1)25.7 (23.0, 31.7)
  BMI categories
  Normal (18–24.99)40 (39.6)8 (25.8)32 (45.7)
  Overweight (25–30)31 (30.7)15 (48.4)16 (22.9)
  Obese (>30)30 (29.7)8 (25.8)22 (31.4)
Falls and falls risk
  Number of falls, median (IQR)2 (1, 5)3 (2, 6)2 (1, 3.5)
  Physiological falls risk, n (%)
  Mild/moderate risk (1–2)2 (1.9)1 (2.9)1 (1.4)
  High risk (2–3)36 (34.0)12 (35.3)24 (33.3)
  Marked risk (≥3)68 (64.2)21 (61.8)47 (65.3)
  Fear of falling, n (%) (n=90)
  None/mild (1–2)17 (18.9)9 (30.0)8 (13.3)
  Moderate (3)51 (56.7)14 (46.7)37 (61.7)
  High (4)22 (24.4)7 (23.3)15 (25.0)
Sarcopenia, n=105
  Met criteria for sarcopenia83 (78.3)23 (69.7)60 (83.3)
Fractures and fracture risk
  BMD*, median (IQR) (n=92)−2.2 (−2.6,–1.2)−2.15 (−2.60, –1.20)−2.20 (−2.70, –1.20)
  BMD categories, n (%)
  Normal (>−1)18 (19.6)5 (19.2)13 (19.7)
  Osteopenia (−2.5 to −1)41 (44.6)11 (42.3)30 (45.5)
  Osteoporosis (<−2.5)33 (35.9)10 (38.5)23 (34.9)
  FRAX, n (%)
  Low risk12 (11.3)9 (26.5)3 (4.2)
  Intermediate risk51 (48.1)19 (55.9)32 (44.4)
  High risk43 (40.6)6 (17.6)37 (51.4)
Biological measures, median (IQR)
  Albumin (g/L) (n=97)42 (40, 44)41.0 (38.0, 43.0)43.0 (41.0, 45.0)
  Calcium (mmol/L) (n=92)2.4 (2.3, 2.5)2.3 (2.3, 2.4)2.4 (2.3, 2.5)
  Creatinine (nmol/L) (n=98)80 (65, 98)90.0 (75.0, 110.0)76.0 (62.5, 85.5)
  eGFR (mL/min) (n=96)66 (53, 85)73.0 (55.0, 85.0)65.5 (53.0, 80.0)
  Hb (g/L) (n=94)134 (124, 141)134.0 (121.0, 147.0)134.0 (126.0, 140.0)
  Vitamin D (nmol/L) (n=94)65 (48, 84.5)60.0 (48.0, 72.0)67.0 (48.0, 87.0)
  PTH (pmol/L) (n=82)6.2 (4.3, 8.8)6.7 (4.6, 9.0)5.7 (4.2, 8.6)
  TSH (mlU/L) (n=85)1.4 (0.9, 2.1)1.4 (1.0, 1.9)1.4 (0.8, 2.2)
  • *Bone mineral density (BMD) T-score is measured at the femoral neck.

  • Corrected calcium.

  • BMI, body mass index; eGFR, estimated glomerular filtration rate; Hb, haemoglobin; PTH, parathyroid hormone; TSH, thyroid-stimulating hormone.