Table 1

Feasibility outcomes

Feasibility criteriaResultFeasibility assessment
Primary outcomes
80% or more of eligible patients consent to data collection and follow-up (patients approached to participate in trial: n=186)176/186 (94.6%)Green
90% use of the model during intervention period (n=76 in intervention period)Model used in 73 cases (96.1%)Green
Secondary outcomes
95% or more of clinicians working within the participating ED agree to take part in the trial100%Green
Follow-up data for patient secondary outcomes can be collected for 80% or more of patients (n=176)Clinical data: 176 (100%)
SF-12: 128 (72.7%)
CSRI data available: 137 (78.8%)
All clinicians involved in the trial receive formal training in the use of the model100%Green
Patient secondary outcome measures reported in the intervention period are equal to, or better than, those reported during the conventional management periodSee table 3 belowAmber
Mean quality of life reported in intervention arm is not less than 80% of that reported in control armSee table 4 belowGreen
  • Number of cases (percentages). Feasibility criteria traffic light system: green, feasibility criteria achieved; amber, feasibility criteria not achieved but progression is possible with some minor protocol modifications.

  • CSRI, Client Services Receipt Inventory; ED, emergency department.