Table 1

Summary matrix of projects reviewed in the four focus areas for investment under the RF THS initiative (n=17)

Core topic areas covered by the projectGrant-receiving institutionsActivities/key outputs/learning
A. THS strategic investment area: policy and advocacy (improve UHC awareness and policy development)
1. Facilitate learning from health insurance projects in India and Thailand through study toursICDDR,B ( High-level policymakers convinced about the feasibility of implementing similar health insurance models in Bangladesh
2. Facilitate learning from micro health insurance project in Philippines operated by an NGOPKSF ( A micro-insurance model for the poor should be actuarial based for ensuring easy access, low premium and quick claim settlements, and can be run sustainably by a not-for-profit entity
3. District dialogues to engage stakeholders in problem identification and possible solutions towards UHCPPRC ( Three district dialogues at Chittagong, Sylhet and Barisal (including city dialogues at Dhaka and Chittagong) engaged the local stakeholders to identify priority problems and suggest probable solutions towards achieving UHC for the vulnerable population
B. THS strategic investment area: health financing mechanisms (testing pre-payment and risk pooling options)
1. Initiative to facilitate the introduction of national SHI in BangladeshICDDR,B ( Following up the learning from earlier study visits abroad, this project provided a platform to share and discuss the possibility of introducing SHI in Bangladesh in a workshop, developed an analytical framework for fund holding arrangements, and costing of a benefit package
2. Develop and test a CHI model in the south-east part of the country (Chakaria)ICDDR,B ( Extensive and innovative communication is needed to motivate people to enrol in community health insurance concept; flexibility in modifying the model based on real-time evaluation and monitoring is essential for achieving equity goals
3. BRAC Healthcare Innovation programme bHIP BRAC ( Tested different models of healthcare service delivery for a feasible health insurance model for BRAC
4. Linking micro health insurance to social safety net programmes for improving access to healthcare services for the ultra-poor and poor in BangladeshINAFI ( After a feasibility study, a demand-based MHI product was developed for the ultra-poor in the social safety net programme and the poor, and developed a business plan for sustainability of the MHI product
5. Developing a MIME model for the poor, second phase (2011–2014)INAFI ( INAFI developed three micro-insurance products under MIME for example, outpatient, inpatient and a comprehensive plan targeting the poor households, using the concept of ‘mutually enabling’ and a livelihood approach
6. Capacity development for BNHAHEU, MoHFW ( Capacity developed for national health accounts data collection and analysis; several rounds of NHA reports produced; NHA process institutionalised in the HEU, MoHFW
C. THS strategic investment area: health systems stewardship (building capacity of future healthcare professionals for UHC)
1. Establishing a Department of Health Informatics in a private not-for-profit University awarding MSc in Health InformaticsBUHS ( The Department and the course launched with an initial enrolment of 20 students
2. Developing a Department of Public Health and Informatics in the only Medical University in the country and curriculum for this developedBSMMU ( The curriculum developed and implemented; followed by and Public Health (PH) institute that wants to be affiliated with BSMMU
3. Developing capacity of the Journalists on health reporting including UHCPIB ( Training manual on UHC reporting developed; training course conducted for journalists following the curriculum
4. Developing country capacity on Global Health DiplomacyMoHFW, GoB ( A Global Health Diplomacy forum established; senior officials participating in global forums on health received training
5. Development and implementation of Hospital Accreditation SystemFHI ( The accreditation system developed and handed over to HEU, MoHFW
D. THS strategic investment area: Health information system (developing infrastructure for e-Health)
1. Current scenario and planning for e-Health in BangladeshBEI ( Situation analysis of existing HIS including problems of inter-operability of data exchange, workshop held with stakeholders for strategy and planning for future digital health in Bangladesh
2. Establishment of a National e-Health Oversight body in Bangladesh to improve HIS in the countryDGHS MoHFW ( An eHealth enterprise architecture developed for shared use of data and information among stakeholders, with a standardised and inter-operable platform; outputs included upgraded DHIS2, HRM and producing LHBs
3. Developing and testing an m-Health model (using cell phone for dissemination of health information and field supervision and monitoring) for the CHWs working in an MNCAH) programmeBRAC ( Developed and tested an m-Health model in three branches of BRAC Health programme for delivery of an integrated, community-based package of essential mother and newborn healthcare services
  • BEI, Bangladesh Enterprise Institute; bHIP, BRAC Healthcare Innovation Programme; BNHA, Bangladesh National Health Accounts; BSMMU, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University; BUHS, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences; CHI, community health insurance; CHWs, community health workers; DGHS, Director General of Health Services; DHIS2, district health information system 2; FHI, Family Health International; GoB, Government of Bangladesh; HEU, Health Economics Unit; HIS, health information system; HRM, human resource management; ICDDR,B, International Centre for Diarrhoeal Disease Research, Bangladesh; INFAI, International Network of Alternative Financial Institutions; LHB, local health bulletins; MHI, micro health insurance; MIME, Micro Insurance Mutual Enabling; MNCAH, maternal, neonatal, child and adolescent health; MoHFW, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare; NGO, non-governmental organisation; NHA, national health accounts; PH, public health; PIB, Press Institute Bangladesh; PKSF, Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation; PPRC, Power and Participation Research Centre; RF THS, Rockefeller Foundation’s Transforming Health System; SHI, social health insurance; UHC, Universal Health Coverage.