Table 2

Hierarchical multiple regression—the conceptual model predicts CQC ratings

Unstandardised coefficientsStandardised coefficientsChange statistics
RR2 Adjusted R2 SEΔR2 ΔFP value
Full model†§0.6250.3910.3570.5270.29442.891<0.001*
  • Engagement scores and Trust financial deficits are the significant predictors of CQC ratings, (*p<0.001)

  •  †Dependent variable: CQC rating.

  • ‡Predictors: (constant), deficit %, FT or non-FT, teaching status, bed numbers.

  • §Predictors: (constant), deficit %, FT or non-FT, teaching status, bed numbers, engagement score.

  • CQC, Care Quality Commission; FT, Foundation Trust