Table 2

Data to be entered in the clinical record form of all potential organ donors included in the study

1.Identification of the potential donor: research centre code and patient’s hospital registration number, sex and date of birth.
2.Screening: inclusion and exclusion criteria for definition of eligibility.
3.History: date and time of hospital admission, date and time of ICU admission, reported and estimated weight, height, SAPS 3 on ICU admission, comorbidities prior to hospitalisation, cause of brain death, date and time of first clinical examination for the diagnosis of brain death.
4.Respiratory variables: tidal volume, mL; respiratory rate, mpm; PEEP, cm H2O; plateau pressure, cm H2O; peak pressure, cm H2O (if volume is controlled); FiO2, %
Blood gas variables: PaO2, mm Hg; SaO2, %; PaCO2, mm Hg; base excess, mmol/dL; PcvO2, mm Hg; ScvO2, %; PcvCO2, mm Hg; lactate, mmol/dL.
5.Temperature and haemodynamic variables: temperature, °C; heart rate, bpm; systolic blood pressure, mm Hg; diastolic blood pressure, mm Hg; CVP, mm Hg and/or ΔPp, % and/or ΔSV, % and/or IVCCI, %; cardiac arrhythmias.
6.Diuresis and fluid balance: infused volume; diuresis and fluid balance at different time intervals.
7.Laboratory variables: haemoglobin, g/dL; creatinine, mg/dL; platelets, /mm3; bilirubin, mg/dL; sodium, mEq/L; potassium, mEq/L; magnesium, mEq/L; phosphorus, mEq/L; calcium, mEq/L.
8.Drug use: norepinephrine, dopamine, vasopressin, desmopressin, corticosteroids, antibiotics.
9.Family interview: time, place and name of the professional communicating the establishment of a brain death protocol to the family; time, place and name of the professional communicating the death to the family; time, place and name of the professional conducting the family interview with the request for organ donation; experience and qualification of the professional conducting the family interview with the request for organ donation; family authorisation for organ donation; loss of potential donor due to family refusal; causes of family refusal.
10.Protocol completion: date and time of second clinical examination for the diagnosis of brain death; date and time of a complementary test for the diagnosis of brain death; complementary test performed for the diagnosis of brain death.
11.Occurrence of cardiac arrest, loss of potential donor due to cardiac arrest, completion of organ harvesting, number and type of organs recovered.
  • CVP, central venous pressure; FiO2, fraction of inspired oxygen; ICU, intensive care unit; IVCCI, Inferior Vena Cava Collapsibility Index; PaCO2, arterial partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PaO2, arterial partial pressure of oxygen; PEEP, positive end-expiratory pressure; PcvCO2, central venous partial pressure of carbon dioxide; PcvO2, central venous partial pressure of oxygen; SaO2, arterial oxygen saturation; SAPS 3, Simplified Acute Physiology Score 3; ScvO2, venous oxygen saturation; ΔPp, pulse pressure respiratory variation; ΔSV, stroke volume respiratory variation.