Table 2

Exemplary search terms (MEDLINE via OVID)

Search #Terms usedNo. of hits
1Exp Dementia/148 649
2Dement*.mp114 488
4(major adj3 cognit* adj3 disorder*).mp159
5(alzheimer* or alzeimer* or (cortical adj4 sclerosis)).mp140 775
6((encephalopath* or cogniti* or neurocogniti*) adj4 (aids or acquired immun?deficiency syndrome or acquired immun? deficiency syndrome or hiv or human immun?deficiency virus or human immun? deficiency virus)).mp3302
7‘Pick Disease of the Brain’/495
8(Pick* disease).mp3308
9(lobar adj3 atroph* adj3 brain).mp10
10Huntington Disease/11 069
11(Huntington* disease).mp16 193
12(Huntington* chorea).mp1349
13Lewy Body Disease/2761
14(Lewy bod* adj3 disease).mp4240
15(cerebr* adj3 deteriorat*).mp361
16(cerebr* adj3 insufficien*).mp2079
17((frontotemporal or fronto temporal or corticobasal or cortico basal or frontal lobe*) adj4 (degenerati* or dysfunction*)).mp5217
18((cognit* or memory or cerebr*) adj3 (declin* or impair* or los* or deteriorat* or degenerat* or insufficen*)).mp106 843
19Cognitive Dysfunction/8749
20(MCI or (mild adj2 cognit* impair*)).ti,ab.20 332
21 Or/1–20 314 147
22 (Intervention* or therap* or treatment* or program* or manage* or prevent* or diagnos* or polic*).mp 12 485 776
23exp Cognitive Therapy/23 692
24(cognit* adj3 therap*).mp30 470
25(cognit* psycho therap* or cognit* psychotherap*).mp.119
26(cognit* adj3 training).mp3571
27(cognit* adj3 rehab*).mp1911
28 Or/23– 27 36 923
29exp Drug Therapy/1 246 404
30(Drug* or medicine* or pharmacotherap* or pharmaco* therap*).ti,ab.1 838 638
31exp Cholinesterase Inhibitors/47 229
32cholinesterase agent*.mp30
33cholinesterase inhibitor*.mp21 340
34exp Antipsychotic Agents/115 322
35(Tranquili* adj3 (agent* or drug*)).mp12 096
36Antipsychotic*.mp63 916
37(neuroleptic adj3 (agent* or drug*)).mp3296
38exp Serotonin Uptake Inhibitors/34 982
39(serotonin uptake inhibitor* or serotonin reuptake inhibitor*).mp or ssri*.ti,ab25 984
40exp Benzodiazepines/62 786
41Benzodiazepine*.mp42 836
42exp ‘Hypnotics and Sedatives’/115 358
43(Sedative adj3 (effect* or agent*)).mp5467
44(memantine or donepezil or rivastigmine or galantamine or souvenaid or risperidone or haloperidol or olanzapine or quetiapine or citalopram or dextromethorphan or carbamazepine or mirtazapine or sertraline or moclobemide or trazodone or melatonin or ramelteon or methylphenidate).mp105 057
45 Or/29– 44 3 080 487
46exp Exercise Therapy/42 856
47Exercis*.mp335 419
48(Physical activit* or physical training).mp.99 409
49(Aerobic* or arobic*).mp81 338
50exp Exercise/166 405
51 Or/46– 50 497 630
52(social adj3 activit*).mp9247
53(social adj3 engag*).mp2774
54(social adj3 stimul*).mp2178
55 Or/52– 54 14 003
56exp Psychotherapy/180 508
57(psycholog* therap* or psychotherap*).mp85 389
58((behavio?r* adj3 therap*) or (conditioning adj3 therap*)).mp47 185
59exp Counseling/40 343
60Counsel?ing.mp89 908
61psychosocial support systems/145
62((Psychosocial or psycho social) adj3 (support or interven* or care)).ti,ab11 193
63 Or/56– 62 315 606
64exp Complementary Therapies/208 840
65((Alternative or compl?ment* or traditional) adj3 (medicine* or therap*)).mp101 303
66Acupunct*.mp25 265
67(herb* adj3 (tea or remedy or remedies or medicine*)).ti,ab.16 075
70((music or art or aroma or light or photo or pet or pets) adj3 therap*).ti,ab16 656
72(mind adj3 body).ti,ab4035
74 Or/64– 73 302 897
75exp Advance care planning/8277
76(Advance? adj3 (care or medical or healthcare) adj3 plan*).mp3552
77(decision* adj3 (aid* or support)).mp41 646
78 Or/75– 77 46 897
79Case Management/9516
80(communicati* adj3 skill* adj3 training).mp1283
81(dementia care adj3 map*).mp92
82((person* or patient*) adj3 cent* adj3 care).mp23 552
83 Or/79– 82 34 244
84(‘Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health’ or ‘Strategies for Relatives’).ti,ab.88
85Caregivers/ed (Education)2484
86CAREGIVERS/px (Psychology)18 509
87Self-Help Groups/8626
88exp Social support/63 885
89 Or/84– 88 87 559
90Diagnosis, Computer-Assisted/21 241
91Telemedicine/17 577
92(Telemedicine or tele medicine).mp21 573
93exp Computers, Handheld/5107
94((smart adj2 (phone* or device* or tablet*)) or smartphone*).mp8280
95cognitive aid*.mp.138
96Reminder*.ti,ab10 667
97Robot*.mp38 250
98 Or/90– 97 102 392
99 22 or 28 or 45 or 51 or 55 or 63 or 74 or 78 or 83 or 89 or 98 13 800 589
100 21 and 99 208 431
101randomized controlled trial.pt462 693
102controlled clinical trial.pt92 457
103(randomized or randomised).ab495 756
104Placebo.ab189 758
105drug therapy.fs2 024 910
106Randomly.ab292 598
107Trial.ab431 012
108Groups.ab1 806 682
109 Or/101– 108 4 294 404
110randomized controlled trial.pt462 693
111(Cluster* adj2 randomi*).tw9224
112((communit* adj2 intervention*) OR (communit* adj2 randomi*)).tw6858
113Group* randomi*.tw2846
114Or/111–11318 443
115intervention?.tw782 326
116cluster analysis/56 328
117health promotion/66 499
118program evaluation/56 711
119health education/57 721
120Or/115–119965 052
121114 or 120968 364
122 110 or 121 1 366 397 178 921
124exp cohort studies/1 751 258
125between group.tw21 162
126Or/123–1253 451 482
127(non random* or nonrandom*).mp33 945
128Non-Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/359
129quasi.mp41 169
130(natural adj3 experiment).mp1724
131instrumental variable*.mp1969
132Cohort.mp516 750
134(before adj2 after adj study).mp.1810
135Controlled Before-After Studies/329
136(difference-in-difference* or diff-in-diff).mp1782
137regression discontinuity.mp223
138Historically Controlled Study/139
139historical* control.mp3400
140Interrupted Time Series Analysis/435
141Interrupted Time Series.mp2280
142Case-control.mp287 943
143Case-Control Studies/249 334
144Match*.mp419 961
145Propensity.mp47 848
146Propensity Score/5596
147Or/127–1461 205 777
148 126 or 147 4 094 244
149Developing,kf.81 106
150(Africa or Asia or Caribbean or West Indies or South America or Latin America or Central America).hw,kf,ti,ab,cp.242 209
151(Afghan* or Albania* or Algeria* or Angola* or Anguilla* or Antigua* or Barbuda* or Argentin* or Armenia* or Azerbaijan* or Azeri or Bangladesh* or Barbad* or Benin* or Byelarus or Byelorussian or Belarus* or Belorussia* or Belize* or Bhutan* or Bolivia* or Bosnia* or Herzegovin* or Hercegovin* or Botswana or Botsuana or Motswana or Batswana or Brasil* or Brazil* or Burkina Faso or Burkina Fasso or Burkina* or Burundi* or Urundi* or Cambodia* or Cameroon* or Cameron* or Cape Verd* or Cabo Verde or Central African Republic or Chad* or Tchad* or Chile* or China or Chinese or Colombia* or Columbia* or Comoros or Comoro Islands or Comores or Comoran or Mayotte or Congo* or Costa Rica* or Cote d’Ivoire or Ivory Coast or Ivorian* or Cook Islands or Cuba* or Croat* or Djibouti* or Dominica* or East Timor or East Timur or Timor Leste or Timorese or Ecuador* or Equador* or Egypt* or El Salvador or Salvadoran or Eritrea* or Ethiopia* or Fiji* or Gabon* or Gambia* or Gaza or Georgia Republic or Georgian or Abkhazia* or Abchasia* or South Ossetia* or Ghana* or Grenada or Grenadian or Guatemala* or Guinea* or Guinea Bissau or Guian* or Guyana or Haiti* or Hondura* or India or Indian or Indonesia* or Iran* or Iraq* or Jamaica* or Jordan* or Kazakhstan* or Kazakh or Kenya* or Kiribati or Korea* or Kosovo or Kosova* or Kyrgyzstan or Kirghizia or Kyrgyz or Kirghiz or Kirgizstan or Lao PDR or Laos or Laotian or Lebanon or Lebanese or Lesotho or Mosotho or Basotho or Liberia* or Libya* or Macedonia* or FYROM or Madagasca* or Malagasy or Malaysia* or Malaya* or Malay or Sabah or Sarawak or Malawi* or Maldives or Maldivan or Mali or Malian or Marshall Islands or Marshallese or Mauritania* or Mauriti* or Agalega Islands or Mexico or Mexican or Micronesia* or Middle East* or Moldova* or Moldovia* or Transnistria* or Mongolia* or Montenegr* or Montserrat* or Morocc* or Mozambique or Mozambican or Myanmar* or Myanma or Burma or Burmese or Namibia* or Nauru* or Niue or Nepal* or Nicaragua* or Niger or Nigerien or Nigeria* or Oman* or Pakistan* or Palau* or Palestine or Palestinian or Panama or Panamanian or Paraguay* or Papua New Guinea* or Peru or Peruvian or Philippines or Philipines or Phillipines or Phillippines or Filipino or Philipino or Philippino or Phillipino or Phillippino or Rwanda* or Ruanda* or Saint Helen* or St Helen* or Saint Kitts or St Kitts or Kittian or Nevis* or Saint Lucia* or St Lucia* or Saint Vincent or St Vincent or Vicentian or Grenadines or Samoa* or Sao Tome* or Senegal* or Serbia* or Seychell* or Sierra Leone* or Sri Lanka* or Ceylon or Solomon Island* or Somali* or South Africa* or Sudan or Sudanese or Surinam* or Swaziland or Swazi or Eswatini or Syria or Syrian or Tajikistan or Tadzhikistan or Tadjikistan or Tajik or Tadzhik or Tanzania* or Thailand or Thai or Togo or Togolese or Tonga* or Tunisia* or Tokelau or Trinidad* or Tobago* or Turkey or Turkish or Turks or Turkmenistan or Turkmen or Tuvalu* or Uganda* or Ukraine or Ukrainian or Uruguay* or Uzbekistan* or Uzbek or Vanuatu or Venezuela* or Vietnam* or Viet Nam or Wallis Futuna or West Bank or Yemen* or Zambia* or Zimbabwe*).hw,kf,ti,ab,cp.2 805 600
152((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income or underserved or under served or deprived or poor*) adj (countr* or nation? or population? or world)).ti,ab.85 468
153((developing or less* developed or under developed or underdeveloped or middle income or low* income) adj (economy or economies)).ti,ab.440
154(low* adj (gdp or gnp or gross domestic or gross national)).ti,ab.217
155(low adj3 middle adj3 countr*).ti,ab.11 181
156(lmic or lmics or third world or lami countr*).ti,ab.5792
157transitional countr*.ti,ab.146
158 Or/149– 157 2 945 907
159 100 and (109 or 122 or 148) and 158 8278
160limit 159 to (comment or editorial or letter)74
161159 not 1608204
162limit 161 to yr=‘2008 -Current’6322
163exp animals/not 496 553
164 162 not 163 5786