Table 5

Responder analysis: baseline characteristics of patients who had AQLQ data at BT baseline and 12-month follow-up (a responder is defined here as having >=0.5 increase in AQLQ at 12-month follow-up compared with BT baseline). Data shown as mean (SD) or median [min, LQ, UQ, max].

Age at first BT (years)35.78 (8.7) n=1850.4 (11.0) n=10
Female (%)61.1 n=1860.0 n=10
BMI (kg/m2)27.7 (5.2) n=1733.23 (10.7) n=10
Non-smoker/Ex-smoker (%)100.0 n=1788.9 n=9
FEV1 (% predicted)65.9 (22.1) n=1862.3 (19.1) n=10
Eosinophil count (blood)0.29 (0.25) n=130.51 (0.39) n=8
AQLQ score3.48 (1.19) n=183.59 (1.02) n=10
EQ-5D score0.54 (0.42) n=110.58 (0.39) n=9
ACQ score3.59 (1.25) n=143.07 (0.71) n=9
HADS score (Anxiety)6.20 (5.53) n=1510.33 (5.29) n=9
HADS score (Depression)4.53 (5.40) n=157.78 (5.04) n=9
Rescue steroid courses (previous year)5 [0,2,6,12] n=172 [0,1.25,3,7] n=10
Unscheduled healthcare* (previous year)4.0 [0,1,6,12] n=163 [0,2,5,10] n=9
Hospital admissions (previous year)1.5 [0,0,3.25,10] n=160 [0,0,1.5,4] n=10
Days lost from work or school (previous year)0 [0,1,5,15] n=93.5 [0,0,9,15] n=4
  • *Includes visits to A&E, GP and asthma clinic.