Table 3

Characteristics of the survey population

Pre-implementation (n=239)Post-implementation (n=197)
Intake consultations
Age (yrs)53.955.4
Gender (% male)68.469.5
Severity of symptoms*6.506.44
Diagnosed with OSA (%)82.883.2
CPAP† (%)71.070.7
MRA‡ (%)13.719.5
Other treatment† (%)10.77.4
No treatment† (%)1.02.4
Missing† (%)3.60.0
Pre-implementation (n=248)Post-implementation (n=180)
Follow-up consultations
Age (yrs)57.3358.54
Gender (% male)75.369.7
Severity of remaining symptoms or problems with treatment*4.255.03
CPAP (%)89.189.4
MRA‡ (%)3.63.9
Other§ or missing (%)75.6
  • *Scale 1–10, higher is more problems.

  • †Percentage of patients with this treatment of the total of patients diagnosed with OSA.

  • ‡Device worn over the teeth that pushes tongue and jaw forward to hold the airway open.

  • §Other possible treatments are surgery of the jaw or throat, and methods that will help a patient with positional OSA (who experiences breathing stops mainly when they lie on their backs) sleep on their side.

  • CPAP, continuous positive airway pressure; MRA, mandibular repositioning device; OSA, obstructive sleep apnoea; yrs, years.