Table 1

Specific qualitative procedures, preselected criteria for the purposeful sampling

Qualitative procedureTargetPreselected criteria for the purposeful sampling and numbers of each profile in each intervention siteTimeframe
Participant observationParticipants in the SMS groupCriteria:
1 from low socioeconomic neighbourhood (or medium, if no low).
1 medium neighbourhood (or high, if no low).
During the SMS intervention.
Semistructured individual interviewsParticipants in the SMS groupCriteria (priority low and medium socioeconomic status):
1 frail man and 1 frail woman.
1 robust man and 1 robust woman.
1 for each ethnic minority (if applicable).
End of intervention.
1 man and 1 woman (priority is low-to-medium socioeconomic status).
12-month follow-up.
18-month follow-up.
Participants of the ERS groupCriteria:
1 man and 1 woman (priority is low-to-medium socioeconomic status).
12-month follow-up.
18-month follow-up.
Participants of the control groupCriteria (priority is low-to-medium socioeconomic status):
1 man.
1 woman.
End of intervention.
12-month follow-up.
18-month follow-up.
Focus groupsParticipants of the SMS intervention groupsCriteria:
1 low socioeconomic neighbourhood (or medium, if no low).
1 medium neighbourhood (or high, if no low).
End of intervention.
Participants of the ERS intervention groups1 (priority is low-to-medium socioeconomic status).End of intervention.
ERS and SMS trainers1 with all trainers involved in the ERS and SMS training.End of intervention.
  • ERS, exercise referral schemes; SMS, self-management strategies.