Table 1

Characteristics of young patients with untreated intermittent adult-onset asthma who were categorised by the cumulative smoking history (pack-years)

Cumulative smoking history (pack-years)P value
0< pack-years ≤4*
>4 pack-years
Age (years)26.9±4.726.9±3.929.0±2.7 <0.001
Age at onset (years)24.9±5.023.8±4.526.9±3.9 0.001
Men, n (%)35 (22.4)15 (27.3)24 (47.1) 0.003
Duration of asthma (months)10 (2–36)12 (2–60)12 (2–36)0.448
BMI, kg/m2 21.6±3.422.4±4.521.9±3.30.337
Total IgE (IU/mL)164 (70–537)217 (55–721)248 (78–807)0.243
Peripheral blood eosinophil (count)230 (105–405)290 (160–490)350 (250–700) 0.016
Atopy, n (%)138 (89)47 (86)50 (98)0.075
Prebronchodilator lung function
 FEV1 (% predicted)96.4±12.689.9±10.390.6±15.5 <0.001
 FEV1/FVC ratio0.85±0.070.82±0.080.80±0.08 <0.001
 FVC (L)3.50±0.703.49±0.833.82±0.920.053
 FVC (%)107±12.7103±17.6106±15.00.187
 FEF25–75 (% predicted)76.3±22.465.0±17.865.8±23.0 <0.001
Postbronchodilator lung function
 FEV1 (% predicted)101±14.796.2±12.292.4±22.4 0.025
 FEV1/FVC ratio0.89±0.070.87±0.070.81±0.10 <0.001
 FEF25–75 (% predicted)89.2±21.380.1±19.975.5±26.6 0.001
ΔFEV1 (%)†4.89±12.67.58±7.907.78±5.240.151
HisPC20 (mg/mL)2.52 (1.05–4.50)1.63 (0.40–3.28)1.48 (0.64–2.55) 0.003
  • Data are presented as means±SD, n (%) or medians (IQRs).

  • Postbronchodilator FVC is missing value, therefore, the data are not shown.

  • Results highlighted in bold indicate statistically significant findings.

  • *Current smokers were stratified on the basis of the median value for each smoking parameter.

  • †(Postbronchodilator FEV1–prebronchodilator FEV1)/prebronchodilator FEV1(L)×100.

  • BMI, body mass index; FEF25–75, forced expiratory flow between 25% and 75% of the vital capacity; FEV1, forced expiratory volume in one second; FVC, forced vital capacity; HisPC20, provocative concentration of histamine leading to a decrease in the FEV 1 by >20%.