Table 2

Perceived level of competence in initial assessment of trans clients who have been sexually assaulted and need for (additional) training among nurses providing direct clinical care to clients at Ontario’s hospital-based violence treatment centres

StatementPerceived level of competence*Would benefit from (additional) training
N†MeanSDN‡n (%)
I know to always refer to a trans client by their chosen name and pronoun(s), even when speaking to others. If unsure of their chosen name or what pronoun they go by, I routinely ask844.390.857136 (50.7)
I understand that a trans client may identify as ‘nonbinary’, meaning they do not consider themselves exclusively male or female and/or masculine or feminine (eg, gender queer, gender-neutral)853.980.857455 (74.3)
I understand the distinction between trans identities and intersex conditions832.841.187467 (90.5)
I know how to document information in the medical record when the name a trans client uses and the gender they present as differs from their legal name and gender832.811.177572 (96.0)
I am confident that I do not, or would not, show surprise, shock, dismay or concern when either told or inadvertently learning that a client is trans844.330.757244 (61.1)
I understand that a trans client may fear assault or belittlement by a healthcare professionals’ response to their gender identity or expression794.190.587157 (80.3)
I am aware that a companion of a trans client may not know their gender identity844.000.697261 (84.7)
I routinely consider how a trans client’s fears and concerns can affect their initial reactions to a sexual assault, their post-assault needs and decisions before, during and after the entire care visit843.760.907267 (93.1)
  • * 5=strongly agree, 4=agree, 3=neither agree nor disagree, 2=disagree, 1=strongly disagree.

  • †n=total number of respondents indicating their level of agreement with each statement.

  • ‡n=total number of respondents indicating whether they would benefit from additional training (yes/no).