Table 3

Focus group characteristics

Members of the publicN participantsHealthcare professionals and community partnersN participants
Group 1, England Total n=7 Group 3, Wales Total n=5
Gender Gender
  Female6 Female2
  Male1 Male3
Smoking status Occupation
  Current smoker3  Community nurse1
  Former smoker3  Support group facilitator1
  Never smoker1  Community partner1
Self-reported lung condition   Third sector representative1
  Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)7  Public health representative1
Recruited through primary care and community groupsRecruited through the health board
Group 2, Wales Total n=9 Group 4, Wales Total n=7
Gender Gender
  Female5 Female6
  Male4 Male1
Smoking status Occupation
  Current smoker3 Practice manager1
  Former smoker4 Pharmacist1
  Never smoker2 General practitioner2
Self-reported lung condition  Practice nurse2
  COPD9 Medical student1
Recruited through community groupsRecruited through the health board/primary care