Table 1

Schedule of evaluation of the NCVC-CS1 feasibility study

EntryTreatment3 days30 days90 days180 days
Inclusion/exclusion criteriaX
Signed consent formX
Provisional enrolmentX
Medical/treatment history*X
Neurological assessmentXXXXX
mRS scoreXXXX
Laboratory tests†X
Cerebral angiography¶XX
Final enrolmentX
Endovascular procedure**X
Adverse eventsXXXXX
  • *History of cerebrovascular diseases, neurosurgical treatments, cerebral endovascular treatments, hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus and so on.

  • †Haematology, biochemistry and coagulation.

  • ‡Location, size, form, maximum diameter, neck diameter and parent artery diameter of the target aneurysm.

  • §Antiplatelets, anticoagulants and medications for complications.

  • ¶Location, size, form, maximum diameter, neck width and parent artery diameter of the target aneurysm.

  • **Site of puncture, anaesthesia and medical devices used in the procedure.

  • CTA, CT angiography, MRA, magnetic resonance angiography; mRS, modified Rankin scale.