Table 1

Patients’ demographic characteristics, chief complaints and in-hospital course for all patients, stratified by urgency according to initial triage level based on the German version of the Manchester Triage System: urgent refers to patients with a triage category of yellow, orange or red and non-urgent to patients with a triage category of blue or green

P value*Missing triage
Female % (n)47.9 (552)52.0 (186)46.2 (353)0.04243.3 (13)
Age (years), median (IQR)59 (43–71)56 (35–71)60 (46–72)0.00163 (34–70)
BMI, median (IQR)25.6 (22.5–29.1)25.4 (22.1–28.8)25.7 (22.8–29.4)0.19225.9 (35.4–28.4)
Chief complaint % (n)0.001
Chest pain11.0 (127)5.9 (21)13.6 (104)6.7 (2)
Abdominal pain12.8 (147)12.3 (44)13.2 (101)6.7 (2)
Dyspnea10.4 (120)8.9 (32)10.9 (83)16.7 (5)
Headache4.0 (46)4.2 (15)3.9 (30)3.3 (1)
None of these61.8 (712)68.7 (246)58.4 (446)66.7 (20)
Admitted % (n)42.5 (490)29.6 (106)47.8 (365)<0.00163.3 (19)
In-hospital course for admitted patients
 Inpatient LOS (days), median (IQR)5 (2–9)6 (2–9)5 (2–9)0.6855 (3–11)
 ICU stay % (n)13.3 (65)9.4 (10)14.2 (52)0.12815.8 (3)
 In-hospital mortality % (n)1.5 (17)0.8 (3)1.6 (12)<0.0016.7 (2)
  • The triage category was missing in 30 patients (last column).

  • *P values refer to a comparison of variables between non-urgent and urgent cases.

  • BMI, body mass index; ICU, intensive care unit; LOS, length of stay.