Table 2

One-year mortality stratified by sex, age, level of care and chief complaint at admission

Cases with valid follow-upOne-year mortalityP value*
% (n)
Non-urgent % (n)Urgent
% (n)
 Male5441583719.6 (52)7.6 (12)10.2 (38)0.217
 Female50117231710.0 (50)8.1 (14)10.7 (34)0.226
Age (years)
 <656192123913.9 (24)3.3 (7)4.1 (16)0.405
 ≥6542611829718.3 (78)16.1 (19)18.9 (56)0.306
Level of care
 Not-admitted5972323565.4 (36)6.5 (15)5.9 (21)0.454
 Admitted4489833214.7 (66)11.2 (11)15.4 (51)0.196
Chief complaint
 Chest pain11220914.5 (5)0 (0)5.5 (5)0.363
 Abdominal pain12741846.3 (8)9.8 (4)4.8 (4)0.242
 Dyspnoea112288020.5 (23)14.3 (4)21.3 (17)0.308
 Headache4414290 (0)0 (0)0 (0)
 None of these65022740410.2 (66)7.9 (18)11.4 (46)0.106
  • Please note that numbers of non-urgent and urgent cases do not necessarily add up to total numbers as triage category was missing for 30 cases.

  • *P values refer to a comparison of variables between non-urgent and urgent cases.