Table 2

High-risk human papillomavirus  detection in preservative-fixed urine, vaginal and cervical samples by the Abbott RealTime (ART) assay and the Roche Cobas 4800 (RC) assay

Cervical positiveCervical negative
Vaginal positiveVaginal negativeVaginal positiveVaginal negative
Urine positive43*221
Urine negative8†3119‡
Urine positive44§010
Urine negative40116¶
  • *9 CIN2, 6 CIN3.

  • †1 CIN3.

  • ‡1 CIN2, 1 CIN3.

  • §8 CIN2, 7 CIN3.

  • ¶1 CIN2, 1 CIN3.