Table 2

Feasible indicators based on diabetes recommendation statements

Reference clinical practice guidelinePopulationData sourceInterventionData source
Primary Health Care Good Disease Management Criteria*1DM patientsATCHbA1c test twice yearlyAna
2DM patients under 75 yearsATCLow density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol test annuallyAna
3DM patientsATCSerum creatinine and microalbuminuria tests annuallyAna
4DM patientsATCOphthalmologist consultation annuallyTM
Gestational Diabetes Screening†5/6‡Pregnant women in 24–28 weeks / in the third trimester of pregnancy, if not screened earlierDRG, AnaOral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) or fasting glucose testAna
7Patients with recent history of gestational diabetesICD, DRGDM screening 4–8 weeks after deliveryAna
Recommendations Concerning Insulin Therapy for Care-dependent Patients§8DM patients dependent on care and insulin therapyATC, TMHbA1c four times and creatinine, serum electrolytes tests 1–2 times yearlyAna
Blood Glucose Self-Monitoring¶9DM patients on intensive insulin therapyATC7–8 blood glucose measurements dailyMiGeL
  • URL links to the referenced guidelines are provided in online supplementary file 3.

  • *DE: Kriterien für ein ‘gutes’ Disease Management Diabetes in der Grundversorgung.

  • †DE: Screening des Gestationsdiabetes.

  • ‡Two recommendation statements are combined for this indicator.

  • §DE: Empfehlungen bezüglich der Insulintherapie bei unselbständigen Patienten;

  • ¶DE: Selbst-Monitoring der Blutglukose.

  • Ana, Analyseliste (outpatient laboratory test codes); ATC, Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical Classification System; DM, diabetes mellitus; DRG, diagnosis-related group; HbA1c, glycated haemoglobin; ICD, International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems, 10th revision; MiGeL, Mittel und Gegenständeliste (classification of therapeutic materials and devices); TM, TARMED Tarif (classification of outpatient procedures and services).