Table 1

Secondary outcomes

Secondary outcomes
Assessed inOutcomeRecorded by
All neonatesNumber of times TcB quantifiedMaternity care professional
Individual TcB readingsMaternity care professional
Highest TSB levelMaternity care professional and/or  EMR in hospital
Number of neonates having TSB quantifiedMaternity care professional
Number of times blood taken for TSB quantificationMaternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Individual TSB levelsMaternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Number of times blood taken for TSB quantification before start of phototherapyMaternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Number of neonates receiving phototherapyMaternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Duration (hours) of phototherapyMaternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Number of neonates having TSB level above exchange transfusion threshold9 Maternity care professional and/or EMR in hospital
Number of neonates who actually received an exchange transfusionEMR in hospital
Number of neonates having kernicterus*EMR in hospital and/or EMR at general practitioner
Duration of stay in the PCBCMaternity care professional
Duration of hospital stay following initial PCBC admission (if relevant)EMR in hospital
Number of transfers between PCBCs/hospitalsMaternity care professional and parental questionnaire
Number of times affiliated paediatrician consultedMaternity care professional
Experience of parents regarding hyperbilirubinaemia assessment and treatmentParental questionnaire
Experience of attending maternity care personnel regarding the daily practice of hyperbilirubinaemia assessment and treatment during control and intervention periods, including facilitators and barriers for implementationMaternity care assistant questionnaire
Within the group included in the intervention period with phototherapy in the PCBCThe number of neonates in whom phototherapy was initiated in the hospital, including reasons for this hospital admissionEMR in hospital
The number of neonates requiring subsequent hospital admission for hyperbilirubinaemia treatment (ie, after initiation of phototherapy in the PCBC), including reasons for this ’treatment failure'EMR in hospital
  • *The diagnosis of kernicterus will be made by combining clinical signs and symptoms and additional investigations (eg, cerebral ultrasound, MRI) up to 1 year after birth in every neonate who had a TSB level above the exchange transfusion threshold level.

  • EMR, electronic  medical record; PCBC, primary care birth centres; TcB, transcutaneous bilirubinometry; TSB, total serum bilirubin.