Table 3

Assistance to and communication type of participants

Followed up patients
Time since locked-in syndrome8 years7.5 years5.5 years7 years
Living arrangementLives in a nursing home/home with society-based support. Joint common areas.Lives in an apartment with society-based support. Lives alone.Lives in a house. Lives with family.Lives in a house. Lives with family.
Personal assistanceNo personal assistants. Gets assistance from staff.External personal assistants+extra assistance from staff when needed night-time.External personal assistance+partner as paid assistant.External personal assistance+partner as paid assistant.
AmountAssistance from staff 168 hours/weekAssistance—168 hours/week
Dual staffing—10.5 hours/week
Total—178.5 hours/week.
Single staffing— 168 hours/week.Assistance—168 hours/week
Dual staffing—80.5 hours/week
Total—248.5 hours/week.
CommunicationAlphabet board, blinking.Mainly alphabet board (blinking sometimes).Oral, alphabet board (pointing).Blinking, eye-tracking device.
NutritionPercutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG).Oral, pureed/semisolid.Oral, solid diet.PEG, occasional treat by mouth.
LocomotionElectric wheelchair.Electric wheelchair.Electric/manual wheelchair. Can walk a few steps with support.Electric wheelchair.