Table 2

Participant characteristics (n=17, unless specified otherwise)

CharacteristicN (%)/Mean (SD)
 Male10 (58.8)
 Female7 (41.2)
Age (years)48.8 (SD=11.4)
Income source
 Ontario Disability Support Program (ODSP)11 (64.7)
 Other6 (35.3)
Employment status
 On disability11 (64.7)
 Unemployed6 (35.3)
 Mental health diagnoses3.2 (SD=1.5)
 Total comorbidities7.8 (SD=3.1)
Housing prior to admission
 Independent living9 (52.9)
 Supportive housing5 (29.4)
 Shelter1 (5.9)
 Street-involved1 (5.9)
 Rooming house1 (5.9)
Housing following discharge
 Independent living9 (52.9)
 Supportive housing6 (35.3)
 Rooming house1 (5.9)
 Unknown1 (5.9)
Reason for admission
 ART re-/initiation7 (41.2)
 Psychosocial issues5 (29.4)
 Acute medical condition2 (11.8)
 Respite2 (11.8)
 Postsurgical recovery1 (5.9)
Years living with HIV16.2 (SD=9.1)
CD4 (n=14)
 >5005 (35.7)
 200–5004 (28.6)
 <2005 (35.7)
Substances identified (most common)
 Crack cocaine8 (47.1)
 Opioids5 (29.4)
 Crystal meth5 (29.4)
Total number of medications at discharge11.8 (SD=6.2)
Postdischarge care
 Family doctor17 (100)
 Allied health (nursing, psychiatry and social work)17 (100)
 Substance use programme9 (52.9)
 HIV specialist7 (41.2)
 Adherence reminders5 (29.4)
Length of admission44.3 days (SD=42.4), Median=26