Table 3

Survey instrument—sequence and details of survey items

Physical activityQuestions
Knowledge of physical activityTwo items: How many times per week and how many minutes per week?
Walking continuously for 10 minTwo items: How many times per week and how many minutes per week?
Vigorous physical activityTwo items: How many times per week and how many minutes per week?
Awareness and use of physical activity opportunitiesSix items: Are you aware of and do you use any of the following physical activity opportunities in the Bankstown area?
Cycle ways, walking tracks, parks, outdoor gyms, walking groups and others.
Physical activity—Stages of ChangeSix items: precontemplation/contemplation (no intention); planning (intention) action (practising) and maintenance (practising regularly).
Physical activity—perceived barriers/enablersFour items: the following statements ask your opinion about your physical activity: (multiple response—tick all that apply).
I have the time to do physical activity; I don’t have people to do physical activity with; Family responsibilities do not make it difficult to be physically active; It is expensive to do physical activity.
Sedentary behaviourOne item: Currently, on average, how many minutes per day do you spend sitting? (eg, watching television, using computer, smart phones, for pleasure).
 Actual vegetable intakeOne item: How many serves of vegetables do you usually eat each day? (include fresh, frozen and tinned vegetables and legumes eg, lentils, chickpeas etc). One serve = ½ cup cooked or 1 cup of salad vegetables.
 Knowledge of recommended vegetables intakeOne item: How many serves of vegetables do you think you should eat each day? (include fresh, frozen and tinned vegetables and legumes eg, lentils, chickpeas, etc) One serve = ½ cup cooked or 1 cup of salad vegetables.
 Vegetable intake—Stages of ChangeSix items: precontemplation/contemplation (no intention); planning (intention) action (practising) and maintenance (practising regularly).
 Vegetable intake—perceived barriers/enablersOne item: the next question asks your opinion about eating enough vegetables.
Vegetables are expensive to buy; Preparing vegetables takes a lot of time; I feel confident preparing vegetable dishes; It is more important to eat other foods eg, meat—is this an open ended question or do we give options?
 Sugar-sweetened beverageThree items: How many cups of SSB per day; How many cups of fruit juice per day? How many cups of black tea (with sugar) per day?
Body mass indexTwo items: self-reported height (cm) and weight (kg)
Two items: objectively measured height (cm) and weight (kg)
Demographic variablesGender, age, income, employment status, marital status, education, main language spoken at home, born in Australia, year of migration, use of social media, main type of social media used.