Table 4

Women’s beliefs about migraine and migraine medications during pregnancy and breastfeeding period (n=401)

Statements*% Agree% Disagree% Uncertain
I feared that my migraine would get worse during pregnancy (n=383).
I used less migraine medication than needed due to the fact that I was pregnant (n=310).
I was worried that my migraine medication might affect my unborn child (n=301).
In my experience, my doctor had sufficient knowledge of the usage of medications during pregnancy (n=345).40.333.026.7
Even if I suffered a migraine attack during pregnancy, I refrained from taking any medication, just to be on the safe side (n=351).82.913.14.0
I am unsure whether breastfeeding is safe while taking migraine medications (n=338).71.314.813.9
  • *Number of women responding to each statement in parentheses. Respondents answering ‘Does not apply to me’ are treated as missing values.