Table 2

Crude and adjusted HRs for rotor cuff tear (RCT) between the autoimmune connective tissue disease (ACTD) and non-ACTD cohorts during the 7-year follow-up period, starting from the index date of an ambulatory care visit (n=30 114)

Presence of RCTNon-ACTD controlsPatients with ACTDs
7-year follow-up period
Yes/Total37/25 09512/5019
Person-years154 27524 536
Incidence per 100 000 person-years2449
Crude HR (95% CI)1.002.08* (1.08 to 4.02)
Adjusted HR† (95% CI)1.001.97* (1.01 to 3.82)
  • *indicates p<0.05.

  • †The propensity score was adjusted according to age, sex, income, diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia, coronary heart disease, fracture, thyroid, gout and Parkinson’s disease.

  • RCT, rotor cuff tear.