Table 2

Contraindications and adverse events relating to NIV therapy

Absolute contraindicationsRelative contraindicationsMajor adverse eventTransient physiological event
Cardiac or respiratory arrestMildly decreased level of consciousnessAnastomotic leakHypotension, defined as a decrease in blood pressure >20 mm Hg determined by pre/post blood pressure observations
Severe agitation or encephalopathyProgressive severe respiratory failure as reported by the treating physicianSevere hypotension requiring increase in medical managementDecrease in SpOoxygen saturations >10% from baseline or<85% for >60 s
Undrained pneumothorax or intraoperative pneumothorax with ICC in situUncooperative patient who can be calmed or comfortedCardiac or respiratory arrestGastric distention as clinically reported by the treating surgeon
Uncontrolled vomitingSpO2 falls below >10% below resting level of <85% for >60 sDeterioration in medical condition requiring an increase in medical managementVomiting during the NIV therapy
Inability to protect airwayMAP<target pressure despite vasopressorNasal bridge or facial erythema or ulceration
Severe upper GI bleeding or haemoptysisResting HR <50 or >140 or new untreated arrhythmia develops
Need for immediate intubationRR <5 or >40 b/min
Facial trauma
  • HR, heart rate; ICC, intercostal catheter; MAP, mean arterial pressure; NIV, non-invasive ventilation; RR, respiratory rate; SpO2, saturation of peripheral oxygen; upper GI, upper gastrointestinal.