Table 1

Data charting form used to extract information to answer the scoping review’s questions

DomainExtracted Information
Study characteristicsFirst author
Year of publication
Type of publication
Academic discipline
Sample size
Study objective
Authors’ main conclusion
Key findingsThematic dimension of patient experience
Experience: positive/negative/both
Geographical setting (ie, federal state, area code, urban vs rural area)
Institutional setting or healthcare service used (ie, inpatient hospital care, informal home care, rehabilitation services)
Method used to assess patients’ experiences
Population characteristicsAge
Insurance status
Relationship status
Severity of symptoms (NYHA)
Type of CHF (in terms of localisation, aetiology or pathophysiology)
Therapeutic characteristics (ie, implanted device therapy, pharmacological therapy)
  • CHF, chronic heart failure; NYHA, New York Heart Association Functional Classification.