Table 1

Characteristics of patients with and without receiving PFCCM

CharacteristicsWith PFCCMWithout PFCCMP value
Age (years)0.642
Male, n (%)240(52.3)3740(59.3)0.009
Catastrophic diseases, n (%)397(86.5)4811(75.4)<0.001
Main diagnosis, n (%)
 Infectious and parasitic diseases24(5.2)469(7.4)0.093
 Circulatory system diseases19(4.1)791(12.4)<0.001
 Respiratory system diseases44(9.6)1090(17.1)<0.001
 Digestive system diseases32(7.0)382(6.0)0.363
 Genitourinary system diseases15(3.3)143(2.2)0.149
 Injury and poisoning11(2.4)184(2.9)0.663
CCI score
Year of admission<0.001
LOS (days), mean (SD)31.1(30.3)27.4(32.8)<0.001
Disposition status, n (%)0.519
 Death in hospital387(84.3)5301(83.0)
 Discharge home to die72(15.7)1083(17.0)
  • Values are expressed as number (%) or mean±SD.

  • CCI, Charlson Comorbidity Index; LOS, length of hospital stay; PFCCM, patient-centred and family-centred care meetings.