Table 1

Eligibility criteria

Inclusion criteriaExclusion criteria
  • Over 18 years of age individuals of both sexes.

  • Diagnosed with small or non-small cell lung cancer.

  • Patients eligible for chemotherapy, immunotherapy or targeted therapy.

  • Patients diagnosed with non-resectable tumour.

  • Life expectancy of 6 months or more.

  • A performance status between 0 (asymptomatic) and 2 (symptomatic,<50% in bed during the day) according to the Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group score.

  • Patients fluently speaking Italian.

  • Patients able to provide informed consent to participate in the study.

  • Patients who own a smartphone that can access either the iOS or the Android platform.

  • Individuals unable to provide written informed consent.

  • Individuals unable to see the app and all other materials (ie, are blind).

  • Patients receiving or that plan to receive radiotherapy or surgical resection as radical treatment for the primary disease.

  • Patients already included or about to join other clinical trials.

  • Patients already using other smartphone applications to self-manage cancer symptoms.