Table 1

Summary statistics of census demographic variables, precinct mean health literacy and voter turnout

CWF yes vote (%)45.614.70.0100.0
White (%)73.614.710.399.2
African American (%)
Asian/Pac. Islander (%)
Hispanic (%)37.628.70.099.1
Other race (%)16.311.60.065.1
Age under 17 (%)
Ages 18–24 (%)
Ages 25–34 (%)
Ages 35–44 (%)
Ages 45–54 (%)
Ages 55–64 (%)
Ages 65 and older (%)
Less than high school (%)
High school degree (%)81.816.332.1100.0
Some college (%)
B.A., M.A. or Ph.D. (%)40.630.60.0100.0
Professional degree (%)
Below poverty line (%)12.410.80.070.9
Poverty line 100%–199%
Poverty line above 200%64.420.18.499.4
Precinct health literacy (%)271.033.9196.8353.8
Turnout (%)35.623.40.0100.0
  • Values comprise all precincts and data used in the voter turnout model. The second stage model only uses 739 observations. A reduction in data occurs due to the lack of voting in some precincts. No substantive differences exist between the descriptive statistics. For the cities present, 13.8% (102) come from Portland, 19.8% (147) from Wichita and 66.31% (490) from San Antonio.

  • CWF, community water fluoridation.