Table 3

Distribution of demographic, lifestyle, job-related characteristics, mental health and dietary patterns of study participants across two extracted latent classes of mental health problems

High mental health problems class (n=259)Low mental health problems class (n=2683)P value*
Demographic characteristics
 Age (years)36.53 (7.12)36.69 (7.34)0.733
 Male228 (88.0)2461 (91.7)0.043
 Marital status0.191
  Married227 (87.6)2420 (90.2)
 Educational level0.012
  6–12 years143 (55.2)1688 (62.9)
  >12 years98 (37.8)787 (29.3)
 Family size4 (3–4)4 (3–4)0.268
3.67 (1.18)3.59 (1.09)
Lifestyle characteristics
 Sleep duration (hours)7 (6–8)7 (6–8)<0.001
6.66 (1.29)7.15 (1.15)
 Physical activity (score)3 (1.17–7.25)4.5 (2–11)<0.001
7.33 (11.83)9.81 (14.7)
 Body mass index0.242
  Underweight (<18.5)6 (2.3)58 (2.2)
  Overweight (25–30)122 (47.1)1171 (43.6)
  Obese (>30)20 (7.7)324 (12.1)
  Yes86 (33.2)769 (28.7)
Job-related characteristics
 Shift work0.003
  Yes119 (45.9)1493 (55.6)
 Second job0.533
  Yes27 (10.4)248 (9.2)
 ER ratio0.65 (0.27)0.67 (0.22)0.193
  <$12543 (16.6)420 (15.7)
  $125–$200115 (44.4)1397 (52.2)
  $200–$30071 (27.4)573 (21.4)
  >$30030 (11.6)284 (10.6)
Mental health characteristics
  Anxiety (score)6.36 (4.45)1.83 (2.39)<0.0001
  Depression (score)5.69 (3.71)1.83 (2.15)<0.0001
  Psychological distress (score)4.25 (1.62)0.27 (0.58)<0.0001
Dietary patterns
 Western dietary pattern scores0.004
  Tertile 163 (24.3)905 (33.7)
  Tertile 295 (36.7)891 (33.2)
  Tertile 3101 (39.0)887 (33.1)
 Healthy dietary pattern scores0.004
  Tertile 1105 (40.5)845 (31.5)
  Tertile 279 (30.5)893 (33.3)
  Tertile 375 (29.0)945 (35.2)
 Traditional dietary pattern scores0.025
  Tertile 175 (29.0)906 (33.8)
  Tertile 281 (31.3)900 (33.5)
  Tertile 3103 (39.8)877 (32.7)
  • Values are mean (SD) or median (IQR) and others are number (%).

  • *P values from independent samples t-test for continuous data and from Pearson χ2 for categorical data.

  • ER, ratio, effort to reward ratio.