Table 4

Final global health curriculum: course scores in round 2

ModuleCourseMean±SDAgreement (%)
General KnowledgePreventive Medicine4.53±0.51100
Health Economics4.47±0.6294
Introduction to Global Health4.41±0.8082
Introduction to Sociology4.35±0.7088
Introduction to Ethics4.29±0.6988
Introduction to Clinical Medicine4.12±0.9376
Social Psychology4.12±0.7382
Culture Anthropology4.00±0.7176
Introduction to Eastern and Western Philosophy4.00±0.8776
Organisational Behaviour3.71±0.77*65†
Research Methods in Global Health4.59±0.7188
Literature Review4.06±0.7576
Common Statistical Software4.06±0.6682
Global Health IssuesNon-Communicable Diseases4.65±0.49100
Environment and Global Health4.53±0.7288
Case Studies in Global Health4.53±0.51100
Communicable Diseases4.35±0.7088
Introduction to Maternal and Child Health4.29±0.6988
Global Health and Ageing4.24±0.6688
Food and Nutrition Security4.12±0.7382
Mental Health4.00±0.7176
Intercultural CommunicationHealth Professional English4.47±0.6294
International Health Law4.35±0.7982
Intercultural Communication4.06±0.7576
International Political Economy4.00±0.8776
Modern International Relationship4.00±0.7176
Health Policy and Programme ManagementGlobal Health Internship4.65±0.6194
Global Health Governance4.59±0.6294
International Health Project Management4.47±0.6294
Global Health Diplomacy Practice4.24±0.8376
  • Likert scale: 1, not important; 2, somewhat important; 3, moderately important; 4, important; 5, very important.

  • *Mean score <4.0.

  • †Percent agreement <75%.